Geosites and Geotrails


Geotrails allow visitors to recognize thematically interconnected sites and, therefore, complementary to each other, so that the visitor along the route, learn a coherent story and not isolated stories from each of the sites visited. Thus, the geotrails are an educational resource focused on the dissemination of geoheritage and a service that enriches the tourist offer for their benefit of visitors and the local communities.


Local vehicles with a maximum capacity of 10 people are available. The maximum number of participants in each tour is 20. In all cases, the tours are led by local guides.

Gt1 – Los Corazones, 30 km

Ruta más larga del geoparque, contactos litológicos, lamabordos, estructuras plutónicas, miradores.

Gt2 – Las Conchas, 3 km

Badlands, cárcavas y circos erosivos en la Formación Yanhuitlán, paleosuelos y formas aluviales, ruinas arqueológicas.

Gt3 – Cerro del Sol, 3 km

Vista panorámicas de la Toba Llano de Lobos, contactos litológicos y fallas locales.

Gt4 – Río del Águila, 4 km

Contactos litológicos, circos erosivos y lamabordo, litología volcánica.

Gt5 – Yutoto

Paisajes Kársticos, lamabordos, canteras de caliza, fósiles y vestigios arqueológicos

Gt6 – El Jazmín, 4 km

Sitio arqueológico principal en el Geoparque; archivos aluviales, paleosuelos y formas fluviales y panorámicas del Valle Yanhuitlán

Gt7 – Tejocotal, 12.5 km

Afloramientos de la Toba Llano de Lobos, contactos litológicos, unidades geológicas principales, miradores de los valles.

Gt8 – Diques San Pedro Añañe, 5 km

Lamabordos, estructuras plutónicas, cárcavas y badlands.

Sn1 – Cerro Verde, 3 km

Ruta hacia la máxima altitude de la MIxteca Alta, divisoria continental de aguas, cárcavas, badlands, estructuras plutónicas y sitios arqueológicos.

Sn2 – Peña Azul, 3km

Panorámica de los valles de Yanhuitlán, Yucuita y Nochixtlán; principals unidades geomorfológicas, bosques bien conservados y variedad de orquídeas (en temporada).

Sn3 – Yuxacino, 4 km

Perfiles aluviales y fallas locales. Recolección de insectos comestibles

Sn4 – Ñu´un Yucu 4 km

Bosques de encino bien conservados, panorámicas del Valle Yanhuitlán, avistamiento de aves y variedad de orquídeas dependiendo la temporada.


Geosites are representative sites of geological interest. 35 geosites have been identified; others are currently under study and evaluation.

  • Viewpoint Los Dos corazones

    Mass wasting, erosion cirques, gullies and lamabordos.

  • Viewpoint Sta. María Pozoltepec

    Lithological contacts of main geological formations.

  • Sta. María Pozoltepec waterfalls

    Dikes, contact metamorphism, structural river control.

  • Viewpoint Vista Hermosa

    Badlands, dikes, broad contact of physiographic provinces.

  • Yucudaac Andesite

    Lithological contacts and exposures of main geological formations.

  • Yucuita Landslides

    Mass wasting, landslides and lamabordos.

  • Viewpoint of the Nochixtlán and Yanhuitlán valleys

    Gullies, badlands, regional faults and lamabordo systems.

  • Yanhuitlán river

    Alluvial archives and palaeosols.

  • Las Conchas site

    Mass wasting, erosion cirques, gullies and lamabordos.

  • Viewpoint Las Conchas

    Gullies, badlands, regional faults, exo karstic features and lamabordo systems.

  • Peña azul prismatic structures

    Lava structures, waterfalls.

  • San Pedro Añañe dikes

    Dikes and sills exposed by differential erosion, gullies, badlands, regional faults and lamabordo systems.

  • Yanhuitlán river alluvial archives

    Alluvial archives, palaesols and lamabordos.

  • Río Verde sit

    Lithological contacts of main geological formations, tectonics, main regional faults.

  • Viewpoint Yanhuitlán valley

    Mass wasting, erosion cirques, gullies and badlands, lamabordo systems.

  • Yudayo site

    Eroded lamabordos and exposures of alluvial deposits.

  • San Isidro and Suchixtlahuaca site

    Lithological contacts of main geological formations and intrusive bodies.

  • Boquerón site

    Mass wasting, erosion cirques, gullies and lamabordos.

  • Yuxacino site

    Paleontological (mammoth), alluvial deposits.

  • Viewpoint Tonaltepec

    Gullies, badlands, regional faults and lamabordo systems.

  • Cerro del Sol (Yucunchi)

    Lithological contacts of main geological formations tectonism, regional faults.

  • Cerro Verde

    Highest elevation in the region, continental water divide.

  • Dequenini site

    Lithological contacts of main geological formations.

  • Río del Águila site

    Lithological contacts of main geological formations, fluvial forms and tectonics.

  • Yutzateche river

    Lithological contacts of geological formations at the base of the stratigraphic column (Cretaceous-Paleogen).

  • Yutoto site

    Endo and exo karstic and fluvial features.

  • Agencia Guadalupe Gavillera site

    Karst features: lapiaz, caves. Cretaceous fossils.

  • Quarry (limestone)

    Limestone exposures.

  • Viewpoint San Isidro Tejocotal

    View of the main three valleys: Yanhuitlán, Yucuita and Nochixtlán and main geomorphological units.

  • Quarry (marble)

    Abandoned quarry, marble blocks and exposures.

  • La Laguna site

    Karstic features: lapiaz, caves, terra rossa deposits.

  • Yutzateche site

    Lava structures.

  • Yucudaac site

    Outstanding examples of spheroidal weathering on andesite outcrops.

  • Cerro Corneta site

    Mass wasting, erosion cirques, gullies and lamabordos.

  • Caballo Blanco site

    Mass wasting, erosion cirques, gullies and lamabordos.

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